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Join our Traingle Celtic Group facebook Page NOW!!

From: Ione l.
Sent on: Friday, December 4, 2015, 11:50 AM

Holiday Greetings, all Triangle Celtic Culture Friends and Fans!!

As you may have heard, we are transitioning over to a Facebook Group.  Jackie and I have added all the friends we have who are already in the group, so check and see - you might already have joined the new group!  If not, please join today!

Triangle Celtic Group

Everyone who has joined the group will, I believe, automatically get invited to the events we post - so we want you to be in the loop!   I also believe that anyone who is a member of the group can post events for the group - so post any Celtic-culture-related events you know of!!

I am posting the events we have on meetup now over to the new group, so check them out!

We will learn more about the functionality of the new group as we go - so just be sure to join us!!

Here is the link again:

We hope to see you all soon!!!   Blessings,  Ione and Jacklyn

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