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Re: [italian-538] Fall 2012 Workshops are open for registration and more!

From: Erin
Sent on: Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 12:28 PM
Hey Chuck, I'm excited that the workshops are posted! Just wanted to let you know that both Comp 2 and Divertente 2 on Monday are listed as starting at 7:30. Is one supposed to be at 6:30?

From: Chuck Wagner <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15,[masked]:02 PM
Subject: [italian-538] Fall 2012 Workshops are open for registration and more!

Ciao a tutti,
Fall 2012 Workshops are open for registration and more!
1. Workshops! –
a. The polls are now closed. Thank you to everybody who voted on which workshops to have. I really appreciate your assistance!
b. The 2012 Fall workshops are now open for registration! You can see what workshops are being offered, get the details, pricing and the links for registration at
c. I would like to thank “Osteria la Bottiglia” in downtown Charleston, La Fontana in North Charleston and Shannon for hosting workshops for us (making them possible and giving us a nice selection of locations) along with Bacco and Tuscan Bistro. Thank you!
d. Remember, if the workshop you want to attend, sign up on the waiting list. First of all somebody may cancel and this way you are next in line and second if enough people end up on a waiting list we may schedule another workshop of that type!
2. Social Events! Wow! The social events have been seriously through the roof lately, lot’s of fun, still a minority but a growing amount of Italian conversation and attendance has been breaking records and this has been during the summer which is our slowest time of year. We still have a lot of great events coming up but some are filling up fast! You can find that at . For example the next three are;
a. Cena in Italiano – more info and RSVP at
b. Una sera con Mike Aroney – more info and RSVP at
c. Una festa nella piscine … - More info and RSVP at
d. And more found at (3 of which are already booked and 2 more aren’t far behind) Events include a pool party, dinners, a wine tasting, cooking classes, an Italian movie and more.
e. We are still looking for host homes for social events sometime during the weekends of November 17th and December 1st. If you would like to host an event, please email me and thank you so much in advance for your help!
Reminder – You don’t need to be able to speak Italian to participate in the social events unless they are “total immersion” events.
Grazie e….
Ciao e spero di verderti presto!
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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