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RSVPing when there's a waiting list

From: Jen
Sent on: Friday, August 19, 2011, 2:19 PM

Hey everyone, 

   There's been several questions about this so I wanted to send a general email to clear up any confusion. On rated meetups when there is a waiting list the open RSVP period is still either 24 or 48 hours before the meetup as designated on that specific meetup. 

    Also, on another note Fall is just around the corner so we're expecting attendance to pick up even more. In order to plan ahead if you're interested in a meetup that is full please rsvp on the waiting list when designated so we can see how many people we have wanting to play on that night of the week. This will help us determine when to offer more meetups.

See you on the courts,

Jen : ) 

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