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What we’re about

Do you feel trapped in an existence that seems not your own? It's time to BE YOURSELF and MOVE AHEAD. This group is for people who want to shake off the distractions of life. This is for people who want to think beyond their commitment to a career. This is for people who would like more satisfaction than regret in their lives. HOW THIS GROUP WORKS is very simple. We seek out inspiring people who are living a more authentic life and ask them to share a bit about themselves and their experiences - in life, work, business & relationships. This is not about super motivational speakers but everyday people who have made a decision somewhere in their life to take actions that are in line with their values and needs. Come along to an event, it might be just what you need!



YOUR MEETUP GROUP ORGANISER:  I'm Vernon founder of The Casual Artist and I help people to find more meaning and fulfilment in their lives by connecting them with their creative passions.  I  started this meetup group as I realised through my work successfully coaching lapsed creatives that each of us has our own individual path to creative fulfilment, and this doesn't have to be sparked by a big name guru - it can be sparked in you, by someone just like you!    
Wanna know more? email at: vernonthecasualartist [at]


**please LIKE the page to get all the first updates and exclusive information on free events in London all based around living creatively and authentically**