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New Meetup: Why Not Wednesday With Bantering Atheists...?

From: John J. R.
Sent on: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 4:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Denton Atheists Meetup Group!

What: Why Not Wednesday With Bantering Atheists...?

When: September 9,[masked]:15 PM

219 W Oak St
Denton, TX 76201

Adjusting our Weekday Evening Meetup again, in the hopes of stirring up more interest, and to give a little bit more time between this meetup and the last Saturday one.

Come enjoy dinner and good conversation at Banter Cafe with your fellow Freethinkers, Atheists, Humanists, etc.

The Meetup after this one will be on a Saturday.

On our webpages here, we have an impressive membership list. However many of you don't show up. How come? Email me or one of the assistant Organizers if you would like to suggest other times/locations that might work better for you. As head organizer, though, I do want to keep the Meetups in Denton proper, and preferably on this side of town (away from the nightmare traffic on 288, etc).

My thanks to the people from Frisco and Lake Dallas, etc, that have been driving in to Denton to keep our actual numbers and presence strong.

Remember, if we get surprised by an unexpected live music venue at Banter, the Hydrant Cafe across the street actually makes a decent "fall back" location for our group.

Learn more here:

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