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Loxley Print run reminder

From: Gregor C.
Sent on: Friday, July 11, 2014, 7:29 AM

Dear All,

Please note that if you would like to order prints via Loxley you must send in your image(s) and payment before 6pm on Monday July 14th.
Prices are as follows;
10”x8” - £2.50
A4 - £2.50
12”x8”- £2.50
A3 - £5.00
16”x12” - £5.00
Please send your payment via paypal to [address removed] - please quote your chosen print size when you send payment, if you are ordering prints of different sizes please specify the file name and print sizes so that it is clear which size each image should be.
Submission of images
Images must be submitted in JPEG format and cropped to the desired print size, any prints which are not correctly sized will be printed with a white border. Submission can be made via email to [address removed] or skydrive/dropbox/any other file transfer system.
Prints can be collected from the Leith Community Centre either on or after the meetup on July 14th. If you cannot attend the meetup you can collect from the Leith Community Centre during opening hours - please ask at reception.
Alternatively delivery can be arranged to your home address - this would cost an additional £5 to cover the postage fees. Please specify if you would like to do this.

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