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Re: [The-French-Literature-Meetup-Group] Chat perché?

From: Winifred D.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 1:59 PM
Merci pour l'explication Charlie. J'avoue que ces contes me plaisent tellement que je serai tres triste quand je les aurai terminees!! L'une est plus spirituelle et amusante que l'autre.

Winifred Dajani
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 10, 2015, at 1:21 PM, Charlie Klein <[address removed]> wrote:

Chers lecteurs/lectrices,


Some of you may be wondering about the title of our next book, “Les contes du chat perché.” It was several years after I first read the stories that a young French friend told me the meaning of “chat perché.” It is a form of tag. When you’re being chased, you try to find something you can jump up onto, a chair, a table, a ledge, a rock, and as soon as you’re elevated, you yell “chat perché!” (perched cat), the equivalent of “home free!”, and you can’t be tagged. There are several other games mentioned in various stories that you probably don’t know unless you grew up in France. “Loup y es tu” is explained in the story “Le loup,” but I am curious to find out what “pigeon-vole” is. Perhaps one of our native francophones will tell us at the réunion.


I am now rereading the stories and once again finding them delightful and hilarious. J’ai hâte de vous voir le 5 juillet.






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