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What we’re about

Rule 1: If you like gin, you’re in!
Rule 2: See rule 1

For anyone with a taste for gin or just an interest in the big gin revival which has been gathering pace over the last few years this is the group for you.

I’m a bit of a ginthusiast and I’m hoping to find a few like-minded people out there to share some times with. I’ve got a few ideas to get things rolling, but the floor is very much open for any juniper-related fun you would care to suggest, but for starters you can expect. We are based in Reading, but we'll be visiting other towns and cities, so please join in, and get involved, regardless of where you live.

Regular meetups to taste and discuss specially created gin flights at local pubs and bars.
Visits to distilleries.
Meet the distiller sessions.
Trips to other towns and cities to check out their gin scene.
Gin festivals and other special tastings.

There’s a lot of gin-soaked action going on out there these days.
Let’s dive in and taste the (tonic) water.

We also have a Facebook group to tell us all about what you're drinking, where you've drunk it and chat about all things gin so please come and join the conversation: The Gin Cabinet on Facebook

I’m also expecting to be able to announce some ongoing discounts at some of the venues we’ll be gracing with our company but to start you off I’ll throw you this cheeky little bone:

10% off any talks and tasting events organised by The Gin Devil*

If you are a relevant venue, or retailer and you would be interested in offering a discount to group members please email me at

*Full disclosure: That’s me! And while I am the one who has initially set the group up I’m hoping it will develop and have a life of it’s own, so if you have any event suggestions, or are interested in getting involved in the running of the group, then drop me a line. I really am open to all ideas. If you are interested you can check me out at or on Facebook.