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New Meetup: NASA French Meetup (Clear Lake area): Sat 1/16/10

From: Amanda
Sent on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 2:35 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Houston French Language Meetup Group!

What: NASA French Meetup (Clear Lake area)

When: January 16,[masked]:00 AM

Coffee Oasis
4650 NASA Road 1 At Kirby Road, in Arlan's Market shopping center
Seabrook, TX 77586

The NASA French Meetup group, a French conversation group in the Clear Lake area, holds their monthly meeting on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10AM to 11:30AM.

We'll be in the private room at Coffee Oasis and usually have a NASA French Meetup sign. Average attendance is 8-10 people of all levels, from beginner to fluent and native speaker. French is spoken at the meetings, but it's OK if you need to ask the occasional question in English.

The menu and directions can be viewed at - please make sure you go to the SEABROOK location.

Meetings are free, but there is a food and drink minimum per group (not per individual). You pay for your own food and beverages, which you can order at the counter.

Groups using the private room are encouraged to purchase a food or beverage item. Please consider buying at least a coffee or tea when you attend the Seabrook meetings. They also serve food: pastry, muffins, eggs, kolaches, sandwiches, scones and desserts.
Menu is here:

NOTE: Even if you do not see anyone else RSVP'd here, there will still be people in attendance. This group has a separate email list and there are always people there.

Learn more here:

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