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How to Pay for Tickets

From: cedric
Sent on: Friday, May 3, 2013, 5:51 PM
The best way to get payment to me is Paypal. If you don't have a PayPal account, get one, it makes money transfer easy. So to make sure everyone is serious I'll need $25.00 ($26.05 including PayPal fees) non-refundable upfront per ticket...because if you back out, I get stuck with the bill. So if you are requesting 3 tickets I'll need $75.00 ($77.58 including PayPal fees) non-refundable. Here is a PayPay fee calculator. It's very easy to use. The deadline to get the money transferred is May 15, so you have about 2 weeks to get it together. Once we know the exact price my contact gets the tickets for, I'll request the rest. As soon as we get the upfront money to him he'll watch the ticket market and strike when it dips. To transfer the money you'll just need my email address. [address removed] When you transfer the funds, if your name is not in your email address please note your name so that I know who you are.

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