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Hi and Blessings, Kirstin (from Nov. 1)

From: Kirstin L.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 6, 2012, 9:14 AM

Please know all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

I was very blessed to have not experienced any real damage due to Hurricane Sandy. Sitting inside my apartment, I could have easily 'forgotten' what was actually going on outside. (I mean, I knew it wasn't a play outside kind of day, but still-) Today, I saw a little of the 'darkness.'

There is so much 'darkness' (and I'm not speaking of electricity alone) going on in the world today. It's easy to pray about itwhen it comes to mind, yet for the most part ignore what is normal for much of the world. We can read about things, we can watch them on T:V, or the internet, we can even do volunteer work, helping others that are in and are going through tragic situations but we can only understand things to an extent. Until we have experienced them ourselves it's very difficult to comprehend the completeness of others reality.

I pray that none of us ever have to. I also pray that we use the gifts God's given us do more for those that do. We need to be informed of what's going on in our world; but information without taking some sort of action, to me, doesn't make much sense.

I can't wait to catch up with all of you. For now~ let's make a difference!


Kirstin Leigh



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