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New Meetup: Archaeologist James Breasted and King Tut

From: Frank
Sent on: Friday, February 26, 2010, 1:37 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Northwest Chicago History Meetup Group!

What: Archaeologist James Breasted and King Tut

When: Tuesday, March 16,[masked]:00 PM

The Volunteer Resource Center
6100 N. Central
Chicago, IL 60646

Archaeologist James Breasted and King Tut

Our friends at the Edgebrook Historical Society will have, Chicago actor and historical dramatist, RJ Lindsey present a presentation & lecture on Archaeologist James Breasted and his search for the tomb of Tutankhamen.

History comes to life in the capable hands of historical dramatist R J Lindsey. Thirty years of experience as a researcher, writer and actor have contributed to his success of presenting living history programs. Lindsey's power point program and dramatization will introduce James Breasted - Treasures of King Tut (Tutankhamen).

Dr. Breasted was the first American to earn a Ph.D. in Egyptology and the founder and first president of the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago. Carrying two pistols and a supply of various currencies and gold for bargaining, he explored the ancient monuments and tombs of Egypt.

He visited King Tut's tomb shortly after it was opened in 1922 by Howard Carter. Lindsey as Dr. Breasted, presents a dramatic slide show about the archaeological clues that led to the discovery of the tomb and his feelings of joy and amazement viewing the wondrous artifacts not seen for over three thousand years. A representative sampling of the amazing objects is viewed with explanations of their composition and mystical purposes. As Dr. Breasted, he also explains the origin of the famous curse of King Tut. It began with a canary and a cobra...

Refreshments will be served.

This is a free Meetup

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