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PM Hump Day Hike

Photo of Jimbo
Hosted By


This weekly evening hike will be different each week and will range from easy to moderate. We will begin at 6:30 pm, which should allow time for many members to end their workday and get to the hike without undue stress. Most hikes will likely take about 2 hours, but since each one will be different, some will take either more or less time. I will also vary the locations somewhat to allow for different people to attend.

I will try and mention sunset times, but note that many, if not most of these hikes will include at least some hiking at night, so bring a flashlight or headlamp, in addition to water, hat, sunscreen (if needed), hiking poles, backpack, food, compass, tent, night vision goggles, wilderness survival kit, Swiss Army knife, 1000' of rope, repelling harness, grappling hook, bear and insect repellant, GPS, satellite phone, maps, water purification tablets, and Ouija board.

Other than that, you won't need to bring much.

I'll edit each individual week's description some days in advance so you'll know which state and county we'll be hiking in. I do believe most of the hikes will take place in the Continental U.S.A.

If individual members would like to lead one of these weekly hikes, I can arrange that too. Just sent me a note, but I want them always to begin at 6:30 pm so as to avoid confusion.

I myself will NOT be able to make it every week, so on those days I will simply cancel the event, unless one of you happens to be leading that week.

Distance: TBD miles
Elevation Gain: TBD'
Difficulty: TBD
Dogs: TBD
Restrooms: TBD
Water Fountain: TBD
Parking: TBD
Trail: TBD
Sunset: TBD pm

Known Dangers: Rattlesnakes, slip-'n-fall

Disclaimer / Release of Liability: You must RSVP to attend this event, no exceptions. Hiking and other outdoor events are inherently dangerous and accidents can happen. By participating in any posted event, you're taking responsibility for your own safety and well-being. This Meetup Group and its organizers are not trained leaders and we do not confirm the qualifications of any of its members to lead or participate in trips. All participants take full responsibility for their own actions. You are responsible for you. If you choose to sign up for any events, you are releasing the Group and its organizers from all liability in case of possible injuries. Your personal safety depends on your own judgement and experience. This applies to any guests you may invite.

Photo of The PM Hikers group
The PM Hikers
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