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Re: [indiefilm-172] question on DVD/Blu Ray duplication

From: Jon B.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 6:31 PM
On barcodes, you want a UPC code.  You must order one unique barcode for each unique product (DVD is one, Bluray is another.  If you create a directors cut, or something, that's another).  You can order barcodes from at a cost of $89 per barcode.  All that does is guarantee you a universally unique UPC code for use at the point of sale.

Once you have that you need to incorporate it into your DVD and BluRay box art design.

Once you have that you can use a service like Scott points out (, or any one of dozens of others, to create your final shrink wrapped product.

FYI, I own a 10-bay, DVD duplicator so can duplicate DVDs for folks at 25 cents a DVD (plus the cost of media unless you provide you own).

If anyone likes, I can arrange and handle all of the above.

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Tamara McDaniel <[address removed]> wrote:

I have a friend who is asking about DVD/BluRay duplication - they want the whole thing - covers - shrink wrap -bar code - bla bla  - ready for sale. So I'm asking the group - because I haven't looked into this in a while - who do you use? who do you recommend? Thanks for always being awesome PIFMG. :)Tammy

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