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stuff....and things!

From: Kevin G.
Sent on: Friday, June 22, 2012, 2:28 PM

Don't forget about the Luau party tonight.  Kat W. is hosting this event and between her groups there are over 100 people signed up!  How awesome is that?  This is going to be a party of epic proportions.  More importantly, they have fish bowls on sale tonight for 21 dollars.  What is a fishbowl you ask?  It's a giant fishbowl shaped cup filled with booze...yeah  It's kind of ridiculous.  My record is 2.5 in one night, if you can beat me, you're probably an alcoholic ;)  Have fun, be safe and don't forget to bring a DD.


Also, next Wed. we're on for trivia and karaoke at Joel Lane's pub.  Don't forget to sign up and check it out!  No meet and greet as I'll be out of town, but we will have one the following week.  Details to follow.



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