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Things that are happening for our meet up.

From: Kevin G.
Sent on: Monday, July 30, 2012, 8:27 AM

Hey guys!


It's been a while since you've gotten an email...remember when they used to come out every couple of days?  Well, I miss you all too.


Second chance prom got canceled (BOOOO!!!), but we still have a whole bunch of other amazing events coming up.


For instance, tonight we have 55 people signed up for Meet and Greet Mondays.  That's the MOST we've ever had signed up before.  I'll be surprised if everyone comes, but I'm expecting at least 40.  We'll be meeting at Woody's at around 6:30, so I look forward to seeing you there.


On Wed we have Trivia/Karaoke.  This event is generally a little bit frustrating because we never know where the Karaoke is going to be.  I'm thinking about just turning it into a Trivia night.  Let me know your thoughts on that.  Afterwards, people will be free to go wherever they want for Karaoke etc...  Right now we only have 3 people signed up.  But with 3 dollar burgers/half off apps and the drink specials (2 dollar busch light/2 dollar well drinks/3 dollar martinis/3 dollar wine) there's no reason not to sign up.  PLUS we have the place pretty much to ourselves, so it's a good chance to meet people there to.


Finally we have paintball on Sunday.  For those of you who didn't come last time, you missed out on an awesome day.  That's why I scheduled another meet up...There may or may not be a deal left out there, but if you can't find one, just rsvp on here and then call black river paintball to let them know you're coming.


Look forward to seeing you out this week!