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Jeff added a post

From: Jeff
Sent on: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 12:40 PM
To anyone interested in Nordic Walking I would like to show you some of the opportunities to take a clinic.
These clinics are rare and only come into our area one or two times a year. One clinic is held at REI and comes once a year it is a great clinic but not on going.
If you were lucky enough to be at a health and wellness convention this year you may have seen Nordic Walking demonstrated. Again, not on going.

I have taken a teaching clinic offered by American Nordic Walking Association and they will have a clinic once this year in SD.
See what they are offering and you will understand Nordic Walking is real.
This clinic is somewhat extensive so you may want to be prepared.

I have been using poles for over thirty years and have felt the benefits.
For four years I have been learning and teaching others what I know to be a great way to explore, exercise, add strength and stability to everything you do walking or even running.
Nordic Walking can be for everyone.

I have offered these clinics several times a year and Nordic Walking has been slow to gain popularity but I have seen an increase in interest. Nordic Walking is something I love and want to share.

You may find other instructors in your area at this address,
Leki is one of the leading educators of Nordic Walking Instructors.

My back ground is somewhat unique to most instructors being tought today. Thier experiance comes from a reletivty short time of instruction.
My experiance comes from years of extreme back-country skiing where poles are very important to the adventure and may even save your life. If you like to walk, Nordic walking can be fun.
If you need to lose weight or need added stability poles can help you.

I have been working with a company to offer free clinics. Using their mission and phylosphy that if you try a set of poles you will want your own set of poles.
My clinics have been free and are free. Because everyone that would like a set of poles will find many options to buy. I have been asking for a small donation of maybe five dollars that can be applied to a set of Keenfit poles. You can find poles at sporting good stores, REI, Leki, Swix, and even Target.
Ski poles will work but I would make sure the straps can work for the method I will be teaching as I believe it is one of the best methods.

Check the other sites and please come to my clinic, it is free.

Jeff DeMeester
Keenfit, Fittrek, Leki and ANWA
Trained Instructor adding power to your walk.

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