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Re: [ScienceBookClub] Last chance to vote in the 2015–2016 Book Polls

From: Mayumi O.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 4:21 PM
Will you take cash contributions directly?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey C. Jacobs <[address removed]>
To: ScienceBookClub-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Tue, May 5,[masked]:29 pm
Subject: [ScienceBookClub] Last chance to vote in the 2015–2016 Book Polls

I'll be closing our four Science Book Club polls in about a week so this is your last chance to vote in any of the book polls which will be determining our next cycle of science books.
Finally, folks, I'm sorry to say I need to reduce the membership of our little group.  Meetup is raising the price of this group from $48 per year to $179.88 per year if we keep our membership unlimited but only $119.88 if I can bring our membership below 40 before 1 July.  In order to cause the least amount of pain during this reduction, I'm only going to eliminate people who haven't been to any meetings or haven't been to a meeting in quite a long time.
I'm not going to do this right away, but I am keeping track of contributions (i.e. that little Chip In button you see every time you RSVP to a meetup and to the left of our page).  So thank you Arlene/Bill, Barbara S. and Bert for your contributions as they are helping to defray the costs and if a few of the rest of you contribute just a little, especially if you haven't been to a meetup recently, it will at least let me know you're still interested despite not attending.
Don't think contributing is necessary though.  If no-one else contributes, the group will go on and I'll just proceed to reduce our numbers to 40 which is quite reasonable because in the last two years we've only had about a total of 40 different people at our meetings, so if you've been to one, you're covered—and there's room for exceptions.  So please, only contribute if you think this group is providing a valuable service and don't feel any need to do so.
In fact, personally, I hate receiving contributions because Meetup takes about a 7.5% cut of every contribution so $15 to you is technically $13.37 to the group.  So in the end, I'd rather not accept any contributions but I wanted to leave that opened as an option if folks don't like the idea of literally decimating this group.
Anyway, thanks everyone for reading and sorry to ramble on about the sausage factory that is meetup.  I'm so happy to have met so many of you and that we could share so many great books together and I hope to see you again soon at the Science Book Club.
And a special thanks to Megan Thaler for founding this wonderful organization!

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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