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Pictures from the restaurant

From: Kathy L.
Sent on: Thursday, October 11, 2007, 9:04 PM
Dear Meetup Members:

Kathy & I did it! We think it was a combination of visualization, determination and the 874 phone calls we've had to make over the last two weeks that finally made it happen!

We closed on the restaurant this morning...

For those of you unfamiliar with Real Estate terminology, that means that we own the restaurant.

Someone called me yesterday and asked how it was going.

In a near non-sequitar, I shared that we were "closing" today.

He said, "Aw, you're closing already? When did you open?"

I quickly explained I meant closing, not closing.

As in closing the deal, not the door.

"Ah," he said.

We took our newly acquired set of keys and promptly drove to "work."

Armed with rolls of white paper, pictures of Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone, Donna Karan, Cher, Lisa Bonnet, Pierce Brosnan (yes, James Bond, I know, I Googled 007, he's raw now, who'd of thunk it?), Susan Sarandon, Carol Alt & Natalie (yes I was in Star Wars, but I was WAY better in Garden State) Portman, some tape and some magic markers--all purchased at Carlson's Art Supplies with our New Business In Town? Here's Your 10% Discount discount--we began to cover the windows.

Question: Why did you cover the windows?
Answer: Because we can.

We took some pictures for you all to see. Click here to go to the pictures and stop reading this silly message.

Note: We left a little crack where people can peek in and we resisted the urge to write NO PEEKING (Kathy had to practically hang on my arm, which strained toward the page with a force of it's own...). Actually, we both wanted to write NO PEEKING, but, high on Sharpie fumes (which are NOT RAW) we left, half way home, and coming down from the unpleasant Sharpie buzz, Kathy looked at me and said, "We forgot to write NO PEEKING!"

I asked, "Do you want to go back?"

Neither of us wanted to go into go back on the Sharpie Express.

So, check it out! You can go to 970 Warren Avenue right across from the Tivoli.

We're off to Sedona in the am.

Look for our pictures and whatever writing we can muster at each day's end.

Love, Light & Smiles,

Danny & Kathy Living

Happy Owners of Borrowed Earth Cafe!

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