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Raw Spirit Festival's Best Musical Performer Jimmy Braskett Playing at Borrowed Earth Cafe'

From: Kathy L.
Sent on: Friday, February 27, 2009, 8:16 AM
We are so excited about this event. Jimmy will move your soul!

Here is a little taste of what you will enjoy when Jimmy plays on Sunday March 22nd at 7:30pm. We still have a few tickets left so call the Cafe' [masked]) soon to register. Tickets are $25.00 and include our new SECRET dessert and "wine" cooler.


UPDATE! Jimmy is really excited about coming to Downers Grove and just sent me and Kathy this YouTube musical video he made just for all of you. It showcases an awesome musical technology called looping that allows him to make on-the-spot multi-layered effects that create a repeating or "looping" rhythm tracks that he can solo on top of with his violin.

NOTE: The camera shot this on the camera's side, and if you have a laptop, stand the lap top on it's right edge up by rotating it 90 degrees clockwise. If you have a desk top, you'll need to tip your head so your left ear moves toward your left shoulder Honestly, I think Jimmy just loves the idea of the hundreds of visitors we get to our website daily finding this link and he's off in Portland right now chuckling, imagining them all cocking there heads listening like the Victor Victrola dog. The Victrola was actually invented by Jimmy's great, great, great grandfather, Tiskett Taskett Braskett, who, it turns out as a MAJOR COINCIDENCE, was married to my Aunt Edna and who stole a wiffle ball from the yard of our great great great great grandfather, Clean Living. The dog below is no relation to Wishbone, the tv dog sleuth that narrated his own children's show, but apparently has had a beer with Spuds McKenzie while dating the original Lassie's sister, the lesser Lassie. (I wrote all that at 7:30AM without the aid of coffee or mind-altering pharmacological assistance.)

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