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Pre-Launch Notification on One eBay Day Seminar

From: Kylie
Sent on: Wednesday, November 4, 2015, 10:32 AM

Hi everyone,

Neil Waterhouse has just confirmed he is running a one-day "How to make money on eBay seminar" on the 6th of February 2016.

This is a pre-launch notification for everybody in the group before the event is made live to the public so anybody interested in the group can get in early and not miss out. Neil's last three seminars have sold out. Neil keeps the groups small so everybody gets their questions answered.

The seminar is being held in Brisbane. If you are out-of-state, Tiger air currently has flights from $39 each way from many locations. The seminar finishes at 5 PM so you can fly home that night.

For more information see

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