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New Meetup: Inquiry Circle and Intro -- Here Now

From: Surati
Sent on: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 1:25 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Vancouver Byron Katie Meetup Group!

What: Inquiry Circle and Intro -- Here Now

When: Thursday, April 8,[masked]:30 PM

My home
3049 West 14th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5K 0A1

Hello Everyone,

An evening to sit, reflect and question our thoughts around what we perceive as wrong or out of place in our lives or the world using meditation and the four questions and turnarounds.

I will introduce you to inquiry, model it and facilitate you if you would like to try it. For those with experience there may be opportunity for partner and group exercises. Come if you want to find truth and peace and learn this simple way of dealing with your stressful thinking. All that's required is an open mind...
Email or call me with your questions.

Please note, this will be the last evening in March as I will be away for the rest of the month.

Thank you for peace.

[address removed]
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