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One more day to get lab ready

From: Cameron C.
Sent on: Monday, February 2, 2015, 11:55 PM


The sink is fully installed, the equipment is in the lab (some of it tested), the DI Water is installed (waiting for one part to come tomorrow to hook it up), and much of the glassware has been washed. I've also re-inocculated most of the algae cultures which seem to be doing OK now and we need to place the shelving unit outside our space.

I need a little help Tuesday (today) to get the equipment and boxes unpacked and organized and the lab cleaned and ready for show at the opening on Wednesday morning.  If anyone can come to the lab Tuesday afternoon or evening, I'd appreciate some help to put everything in to place. Please text me at[masked] if you can spare a couple hours.



PS: And LOTS of thanks to those of you who've been helping out so much during the last couple of's looking great!

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