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What we’re about

A group where creative writers can gather to further cultivate their craft of fictional and non fictional writing. All are welcome from beginners to those with great experience.

Meet-ups will cover different topics and be in held in different formats. Where attendees will further learn or share on how to engage, project and evoke desired emotions or interests with their readers.

The idea for the group has come from not just improving and learning writing skills, but also to engage with other writers and enjoy the practice of creative writing. Writing can be challenging and feel hard work at times, but it is the writers initiative to push her or himself forward for what ever targets their have in mind. <br>

Meet-ups will be held in or around London - and will mainly be on the Southbank or somewhere in central London. I also have plans for doing some over skype, so you can join from home.

Upcoming events (1)

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