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RSR’s First Winter Solstice Poetry Reading by Robert Corman -- Today!

From: Vicky M.
Sent on: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 1:43 PM
Happy Holidays! I am very excited to inform you of a Poetry Reading being held today at RSR. I hope you can join us! smile

RSR?s First Winter Solstice Poetry Reading by Robert Corman

Date: Today! December 19th, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm
Cost: $18.00 includes beverage and dessert

As we approach the longest night of the year, we have asked the poet, Robert Corman, to help us celebrate the return of the light as each day gets longer. RSR invites you to hear his powerful and loving poems. As one artist and friend described his work:

?Each poem is an invitation to explore and discover.
Each has a feeling of the everyday and the eternal.?

Using the Winter Solstice and light as a theme, Robert will read poems in a format he calls ?interactive poetry?. After reading a poem, he facilitates conversation building a web of shared listening and engagement that goes beyond the poem informing Robert as to which poem might be read next. He hopes the conversation generates as much enjoyment as the poems themselves.

He draws upon his rich life experiences and his skills as a personal guide, a student of many sacred traditions, an advisor to executives, and a dialogue facilitator. Robert has changed careers numerous times from a public interest lawyer to a philanthropic executive, from a creator of new organizations to a market researcher, and from a consultant to leaders and boards to a personal guide and healer. For over 30 years Robert has written from the depth of his heart and soul. We hope you can join us!