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Brookhaven Wine

From: Orson H.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 5:48 PM

Hello Wine Enthusiasts,

I want to make you aware of three wine tastings this week: Brookhaven Wines has three in-store Thanksgiving tastings. Unless otherwise noted, they will always be “drop in” format, meaning, you don’t need to make a reservation, simply visit the store any time during the tasting and ask for a glass. This week’s tastings:

Thursday, November 19th, 7:00-9:00 pm – Cloisonné Wines is a Napa based negociant that creates and sources premium wines from the finest growing areas in California. They make incredible value wines, and for this tasting, they will feature three that they think go especially well with Thanksgiving foods: Carneros Pinot Noir, Russian River Valley Chardonnay and a Malbec from Mendocino, all under $20/bottle, and all taste like they should cost more.

Friday, November 20th, 7:00-9:00 pm – featured are some yummy TurkeyDay wines with local Sommelier Kristine Lassor in the house to help pour and talk about your Thanksgiving menu. Taste Champagne Henriot, Trimbach Pinot Blanc Alsace, Pizay Morgon Cru Beaujolas and Chateau du Trignon Sablet from the Rhone Valley.

Saturday, November 21st, 3:00-5:00 pm –They will have some other odds and ends open on Saturday, including a $9.99 Cotes de Gascogne Chardonnay from producer Tariquet that is super tasty for the dough, 3-ball Zinfandel by the ZinBitch Christian Tietje, Hugel “Gentil” white blend from Alsace, and a few surprises. Visit Brookhaven wines on Saturday and watch some football …

Brookhaven Wines
1418 Dresden Drive NE
Suite 140
Brookhaven, GA 30319
As always, Drink Responsibly!


Orson, Organizer
