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New Meetup: FoodPrintNYC Call-in Day to the City Council!

From: David B.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 11:44 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for NYC Animal Advocacy Network!

What: FoodPrintNYC Call-in Day to the City Council!

When: July 21,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Help Pass FoodprintNYC!

We have a chance to pass a City Council resolution calling on New Yorkers to eat lower on the food chain. Resolution 2049 (viewable here) proposes FoodprintNYC ? a citywide initiative designed to lessen the impact of the city?s food choices and production systems on climate change through the launch of a public awareness campaign; greater access to local, fresh, healthy plant-based food; and the mobilization of the financial and technical support needed to sustain these efforts, especially in low-income communities and city-run institutions. It is meant to build on PlaNYC, which aims to reduce global warming and encourage environmental awareness, yet does not address food and farming. The resolution is also consistent with the environmentally-friendly policies and programs recommended in the Manhattan Borough President?s 2009 report ?Food in the Public Interest.?

Now that the resolution has been introduced, we need your help to get it passed! Please take a moment to help so that New Yorkers can lower their Foodprint and the Big Apple can serve as a model for Foodprint resolutions everywhere.

You Can Help

Tuesday, July 21 is Farm Sanctuary?s FoodprintNYC Call-In Day. Calling your council member is fast, easy and effective. Every call that you make in support of or against a policy issue gets recorded and tallied. To contact your council member and voice your support for the FoodprintNYC resolution, follow these easy steps:

1. First, get the name of your city council member and the phone number for his or her legislative office (not the district office).
2. Next, find out if your council member has already supported this resolution.
3. If your city council member has not yet signed on as a co-sponsor of Resolution 2049, please call and urge him or her to support it. Feel free to use the following simple script:

o Hello, my name is ______________ and I am a constituent.
o I live at/in ___________ (give street address or neighborhood so they know you are a constituent).
o I'm calling to urge Councilmember _______ to support Resolution 2049 calling for FoodprintNYC.
o At this time you?ll likely get thanked for calling, and then the purpose of your call will be recorded. If the individual who answers the phone asks for more detailed information, here are the key points you can make:
+ The resolution was introduced in the City Council by Councilmember Bill de Blasio on June 30, 2009.
+ It is the first NYC resolution to exclusively address reducing climate change through our food system.
+ It calls for a citywide initiative to create greater access to local, fresh, healthy plant-based food, especially in low-income communities and city-run institutions.
+ Increasing availability and use of local, healthy plant-based food decreases significant pollution caused by the packing, preparation and shipping of food.

If your city council member has already signed on as a co-sponsor of Resolution 2049, please call and thank him or her for supporting it. Feel free to use the following simple script:

o Hello, my name is ______________ and I am a constituent.
o I live at/in ___________ (give street address or neighborhood so that he or she knows you are a constituent).
o I'm calling to thank Councilmember _______ for his or her support of Resolution 2049 calling for FoodprintNYC! I am so glad to see the connection between food choices and climate change being taken seriously.

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