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New Meetup: Boston Design Lab: Design, Production & Market Discusssion

From: Shirley W.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 3:23 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Boston Fashion Meetup Group!

What: Boston Design Lab: Design, Production & Market Discusssion

When: October 10,[masked]:00 AM

Price: $5.00 per person

Shirley Willett Workshop
19 Briggs Street
Quincy, MA 02170

We are having a sub-group meetup of Boston Design Lab (BDL), Saturday Oct. 10, 10 AM at Shirley?s workshop in Quincy. This is only for clothing designers who have started a business, and want to get help and answer questions from some experts. Please honor this because only ten can RSVP and come. We have had some great design, technical and market discussions, with a lot of great results. Please bring some examples of your clothing designs, and be prepared to discuss your business problems.

Our meetup is small and we get to know each other and everyone helps one another. We look forward to it.

Shirley Willett
Organizer, BDL
Assistant Organizer, Boston Fashion Meetup

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