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Need Designers clothes and accessories for Magazine photo shoot

From: Ron R.
Sent on: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 8:54 AM
HI All

I am shooting a cover and inside spread for Polished magazine. We need some designers clothes for the shoot (both male and female). The location is the Indigo Hotel in Newton MA. We have 2 models for the shoot that were selected from a casting call of 100 responses. The models are size 2-4 5'9 and 5'10. Hair and Makeup will be by Eleni. We have not booked the male model yet but will by Friday.

Polished is a very slick fashion magazine published by Lasell College fashion department 2 times per year. It is also an ezine

This issue will focus on spring trends

The shoot is Tuesday Oct 13 in the afternoon. We can make arrangements to pick up the clothes and return them if you are not available for the shoot.

Please email me or call if you have clothes and accessories that you would like showcased in this shoot.

Please forward this to anyone who you think may be interested.

I am also looking for someone to assist me with the photo shoot from 11am to 5pm

[masked] studio number

[address removed]


Ron Ranere
Positive Image
135 Massachusetts Ave
Boston MA 02115

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