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What we’re about

Hello and welcome to the Group!
If you're looking for a great group of people to climb with indoors and outdoors and even just to hang out, then this is the group for you! 
Follow us on Instagram!
We have regular weekly sessions at the Castle and the Vauxwall and with members all over London and farther afield, you should easily find others to climb with at different indoor walls and outdoor locations.  As a group, we have so far climbed abroad in Sardinia, Nevada, California, and locally at Portland, Swanage, Wales, Scotland, The Peak District, The Lake District, Southern Sandstone (Tunbridge Wells) and have ambitions to try many new exciting areas.
What is this group about?
We are simply a group of people looking for others to climb with and to share our experiences, tips, knowledge, passion and enjoyment of rock climbing.  There are no experts or instructors in this group and you will not receive any sort of tuition (lessons, training or instruction), climbing gear or any other equipment and the Co-ordinators are not responsible for your own climbing development or safety.  This is not a Sports Club or coaching group.  
As with any other voluntary activities, you remain responsible for your own Health, Safety and Wellbeing and this is reinforced on all our trips.  (Please take careful note of the disclaimer on all trips).  We will try to relay any useful recommendations and tips from the BMC Guidelines or other relevant bodies but it is your responsibility to make sure you are fully informed of the risks and safety features of climbing and common sense, such as wearing a helmet. 
The group may organise training sessions with qualified instructors and such events will specifically state that external experts have been arranged.  Otherwise, there will mainly be lots of fun outdoor trips, which the Co-ordinators and members will kindly volunteer their time to organise.  It takes a lot of time to arrange accommodation, transport among the group members, equipment, food and recommendations on climbing locations, so please bear that in mind when attending trips and help them out as much as possible. 
Serious stuff over, this group is about having fun!
It's not always about serious climbing trips, there are plenty of fun get-togethers with members for drinks, dinner, dancing and movies etc.  This really is a one-stop shop for everything you could want.
Anyway, enough from me!  Go forth and climb, be merry and enjoy yourselves! 
Hope to see you soon.