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From: Tina
Sent on: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 12:20 AM
Announcing a new gathering for The Northern Virginia Raw Food Meetup Group! This is in partnership with the Whole New Way Meetup Group!


When: Friday, December 10,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Let's party like a Rawk Star and put on a Rawk-tail Party. It's a cocktail party but with raw treats.

Please make a raw food dish and bring to the party for some delicious and nutritious fun. This will be a great way to end our 2010 Meetup year. So come on out, let's get to know each other better and enjoy some great food. I hope to see you there!

The party will be held at a private residence in Stafford, VA.
Please contact Cheryl for more details -[masked]

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