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Seth MeetUp - The Organizer Lives!

From: Sharianne
Sent on: Tuesday, July 2, 2013, 8:21 PM

Hi folks - please disregard the email about me "stepping down" as Organizer. That's just Meetup's way of saying - "Can someone please find a different credit card to pay for this with?"

We're all paid up now and I have been "reinstated" in a very formal point and click ceremony.

As an observer to the event I can only say that the ceremony felt both ritualistic and repetitive.

There would be a box - and I would enter information

And then another box - and more information

After maybe 7 or 8 times of this, finally there was a button, with the terrifying order to SUBMIT upon it.  And though I am not really into submission, I clicked it without fear.

Now let peace and joy overflow throughout the land for the Organizer has been restored!


And yes eventually we will get back to having meetings again.


Best wishes to you all,
