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Super bowl party (Free Food & Prizes) & Norfolk trip tickets

From: Journonya's Enjoying L.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 3, 2016, 4:17 PM

Hey TUT,

Only 4 days left until The Ultimate Super Bowl Party this Sunday, Feb 7 at 5 pm.

Tickets are selling fast so plan on getting yours soon. Advance ticket sales ($15 plus $1 processing fee) end on Saturday (the price at the door is $20).

The Super Bowl will be shown on Hi-Def TVs. Everything's included with your ticket: Free Food (chicken, pulled pork, mac and cheese, etc.), pool, spades, etc.

Prizes will be given away after each quarter. Some of the prizes include: workout sessions with a certified personal trainer, bowling passes, restaurant gift cards, jewelry and more!

Again, tickets are selling fast so purchase yours (and save money) before it's too late! For details or to purchase tickets visit:

I will also have tickets for the Norfolk trip available to purchase.

Happy Wednesday!
