What we’re about
You like writing genre fiction? We like reading genre fiction!
We are a working group of writers who get together to help one another start, finish, or improve our stories. But NOTE: we are a plot-based, structure-based, CREATIVE writing group; we're happy to read whatever you write as long as it's genre fiction; no nonfiction/technical/academic/marketing copy/etc. We also do not work with memoirs, comedy, or social commentary -- it's just a different kind of writing!
We meet twice monthly for critique group and have weekly writing sessions as well. Please only join this group if you're willing to participate: I regularly delete members who haven't come to a meeting in the past month to make room for more dedicated writers. Our core group is pretty serious about getting better and getting published!
Your organizers are National Novel Writing Month finishers, both revising fiction novels for publication. I'm a professor with plenty of practice editing papers and giving writing advice; my co-organizer worked daily with writers and other creatives as a creative director at a well-known motion picture studio and is now agented. Come join our community for fun, friendship, and fruitful wordsmithing!