What we’re about
When's the last time you paid $5 for a really kool t-shirt? What about vacuums for just $14? Or DVD/VCR combos for $15? I kid you not, I've found these and oh so much more on my many hunts in and around NYCs cheapest thrift stores. My latest find was a fully working Xbox for just $12 - it even had a game in it that they didn't know about. It works just fine - too well in fact, as now I just wanna stay home and play Grand Theft Auto SanAndreas, which yes, I also bought for just $2.99.
Where, as you gasp in amazement, can one find such deals in this huge city? Guess you better join us to find out... Michael Kim 'Jamal' Riegelman & Natalia Wilson, MichaelKimRiegelman@gmail.com, ArchedBackNYC@gmail.com / (347) 523-3937
Check out this short YouTube video with great advice on how to shop thrifty...