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What we’re about

Do you want to get published?

If your dream is to write a book and share it with the world, this is the group for you. Join us to

talk about writing, publishing, finding an agent, finding a publisher, self-publishing, marketing

your book and promoting yourself as an author/expert.

Whether you are writing a book, have a book that’s ready to publish or are already published and

looking to build on your success, we’d love to have you come.

Do you dream of seeing your book in print? Would you like to navigate the strange, wonderful

and confusing world of modern publishing with a guide and a positive group of supporters?

That’s what we’re all about. Here are just some of the things we’ll cover:

• Today’s options for publishing—print, ebook, audio and more

• NY or small-press choices, and how to know which one is right for you

• The real scoop on self-publishing, when it works, and when it doesn’t

• What agents really do, how to find one and whether or not you need one

• Structuring your book, building your fictional world, creating “real” characters

• Where money is made in publishing and how to get some for yourself

• Marketing the book you’ve written

• Using social media to reach readers, reviewers and the media

• Money-saving tips for promoting your book

• Strategies for launching your book (without losing your mind)

• How to work with an editor, and why you need one

• Tricks, scams and false promises to watch out for

• Surviving and thriving the author’s life

What this group is:

• A supportive place to meet others with similar publishing goals to talk about writing as a


• A place to connect with other writers and publishing pros

• The place to get great info, with short presentation by authors and publishing

professionals who actually make their living from writing—and want to show you how to

do it, too.

• A group that welcomes you in-person at our monthly meetings or virtually through our

teleclasses and forum

What this group is not:

• It’s not a critique group.

• It’s not a social get-together, although we enjoy each other’s company

• It’s not a guarantee that you’ll get published

• It’s not a book club

• It’s not limited to people in and around Charlotte, NC. You can join us virtually from


Who’s behind The Thrifty Author?

I’m Gail Z. Martin, and I have successfully published both fiction and non-fiction with big-name

New York publishers and European publishers as well as small presses. I’m the author of The

Thrifty Author’s Guide to Launching Your Book Without Losing Your Mind and 30 Days to

Social Media Success, as well as the internationally best-selling Chronicles of the Necromancer

fantasy adventure series (The Summoner, The Blood King, Dark Haven, Dark Lady’s Chosen)

and the Fallen Kings Cycle (The Sworn and The Dread). I’ve also written short stories, non-

fiction articles, all kinds of marketing materials, and ghostwritten books for other people. I bring

a 25 year background in marketing to my writing, which has helped me achieve my dreams and

has enabled me to help other writer’s achieve their dreams as well. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Where and When:

Second Wednesday of the month, beginning in October, 2010 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Caribou Coffee, Mallard Creek Church Road—look for me in a table near the back (food and

beverage is up to you)


Group links