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What we’re about

Reiki is a subtle and gentle energy that can change your life.
Working on all levels of our being ~ physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ~ Reiki allows us the opportunity to heal, releasing and cleansing energies and patterns that have been constricting us and our lifepath.
I teach all levels of Reiki and offer Reiki Sharings for my students, and for others who are attuned to Reiki, to provide:

  1. a safe place to explore Reiki and grow more comfortable with the energy flow through practice,
  2. time to give Reiki to, and receive Reiki from, fellow Reiki friends and practitioners, and
  3. a community of like-minded beings with which to share the Reiki journey.

Join us in sharing Reiki with one another and creating a loving and safe environment to support one another in healing and transforming our selves and our lives.
Meet with a local group of healers and those who want to learn more about Reiki.
I also offer classes on crystals and minerals, in-person, Zoom, and conference call meditations, wellness gatherings, and more. 
For those interested in energy gatherings and classes outside of Reiki, including Crystals, Munay-Ki, Meditations, and more, please visit my other meetup group called got LOVE?.
I look forward to meeting you and/or seeing you in the perfect moment... with much LOVE, Valorie

About Valorie: I've been practicing Reiki since first being attuned in July, 1999. I completed my Western Reiki II training in September, 1999, and then my Western Master Teacher training in August, 2000. I completed my Japanese Reiki training, Gendai Reiki, in August 2003 and Sekhem~Seichim~Reiki (SSR) in September 2006. I've been teaching Reiki since March, 2001 and teach all levels through Master/Teacher, Shihan Level. 
I work with Reiki, Crystal Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual Guidance in my healing practice. I offer classes in Reiki, Gendai Reiki, SSR, Crystals and Crystal Healing, and Self-Transformation.