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What we’re about

Must be in a company that has revenues over $500,000 or have funding over $500,000 You must be the current CTO (Chief Technology Officer) or equivalent You must have been a previous CTO (or equivalent i.e., VP Engineering/Product, Head of Engineering/Product/SRE) within the last 3 years. This ensures that everyone in the group benefits from each other.
We meet periodically in the evenings. Meetings are scheduled in advance and are held in downtown Toronto.
Type of Business
Cloud Software and Services: Software and Services companies who have SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS (Software as a service, Platform as a service, or Infrastructure as a service).
Focus of Group
The group’s members are focused on openly sharing information and helping each other meet personal and business goals. The focus of the group is on dealing with the issues surrounding cloud and subscription models, building B2B sales and channels, and raising financing for growing technology businesses. Meetings typically have members present their current situation/issues and solicit advice and thoughts from the group. Case studies are discussed or third parties present to the group periodically on topics relevant to the group’s focus.