What we’re about
This is not your typical Meetup group.
It's not for those who only want to meet new people. It's for those interested in having more happiness and meaning in their lives.
As the educational arm of the International Network on Personal Meaning, our Meaningful Living Group offers series of Meetups based on topics related to meaning in different areas of our lives. Past series have touched on topics as diverse as a comprehensive course on Meaningful Living, a roundtable on spirituality, and discussions on Healthy Marriages. You can check out our previous Meetup materials here.
All are welcome as we gather at the warm home of Drs. Paul and Lilian and delve deeper into different aspects of the good life (and yes, snacks are most definitely provided).
Here's a little bit about our facilitators:
Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. is Professor Emeritus of Trent University and Adjunct Professor at Saybrook University. He is a Fellow of APA and CPA and President of the International Network on Personal Meaning and the Meaning-Centered Counselling Institute Inc. Editor of the International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy, he has also edited two influential volumes on The Human Quest for Meaning. A prolific writer, he is one of the most cited existential and positive psychologists. The originator of Meaning Therapy and International Meaning Conferences, he has been invited to give keynotes and meaning therapy workshops worldwide. He is the recent recipient of the Carl Rogers Award from the Society for Humanistic Psychology (Div. 32 of the APA) and a member of a research group on Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life, which is funded by a major research grant from the John Templeton Foundation. (For more, visit www.drpaulwong.com)
Lilian C. J. Wong, Ph.D. was Associate Professor and School Counselling Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology at Trinity Western University, Langley, BC (2001-2006) and Associate Professor of Psychology at Tyndale University College, Toronto, ON (2006-2009). She served as Psycho-Educational Consultant, School Psychologist, and Area Counsellor for several school boards in Ontario and British Columbia (1973-2001). Internationally recognized for her research on multicultural competencies in clinical supervision, she is co-editor of the Handbook of Multicultural Perspectives on Stress and Coping (2006), The Positive Psychology of Meaning and Spirituality (2007/2012), A Brief Handbook on Meaning-Centered Counseling and Therapy (2010), and The Positive Psychology of Meaning and Addiction Recovery (2013). (For more, visit www.drlilianwong.com)