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Last Call For Teams or Individuals

From: Eric
Sent on: Wednesday, July 13, 2016, 2:56 PM

Hey vballers,

Registration for our 7th Annual GlobalMedic Beach Volleyball Tourney at Ashbridges Bay Beach will be closing tomorrow.  The tourney will be all day Saturday (roughly 9  to 5:30 pm.

There are divisions for every level of play.  You can sign up for coed 6s, coed 4s or play both coed 4s AND coed 2s in the top division!

You're guaranteed 7 games during the day with top teams making playoffs.

Sign up your team or sign up as a Free Agent and we'll find you a team.  If you have any questions feel free to contact us!  Here's the link to our website so you can see the rest of the details!


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