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Tai JI THIS -Sunday 1pm Oct 25

From: paul b.
Sent on: Friday, October 23, 2009, 10:57 AM
The forecast looks iffy for this Sunday. So,it is at least 50/50 we will be inside on the 1st floor of 1800 W Winona.
If it is raining assume that is where we will be. Please check your email for an last minute update by 11am Sunday or call or text me at[masked]

If you are late just come in as I wil leave the door slightly open, so everyone can get in with our disturbing class.

If you are early ring the 400 or 450 suites bell, as I may still be upstairs.
There is plenty of room for 10-20 people, so feel free to bring a friend.

I must admit that I have been really impressed with the progress everyone is making & I look forward to seeing many of you this Sunday too!
