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"Travel Trends" Travel+SocialGood Event This Wed July 15

From: Mike C.
Sent on: Sunday, July 12, 2015, 10:26 PM

Hey 2.0'ers,

Just a quick note to let you know about a Travel+SocialGood event coming up this Wed July 15 at 6:30pm

Trends expert Daniel Levine will discuss the shifting social values that are re-shaping the way people travel and how businesses are embracing these changes in positive and profitable ways. A master trend forecaster, Daniel will share some of the tools and practices he uses to hone his craft and shed light onto what he sees through the looking glass. Looking to stay ahead of the curve? Then this class is for you.

Tickets can be purchased for $20 here:

Location: WeWork Soho West, 175 Varick Street, New York, NY

Hope you can make it!


[address removed]

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