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Meetup details changed: Brunch at Jimmy V's Osteria pre-Das Rheingold

From: Steve L.
Sent on: Saturday, August 20, 2016, 4:36 PM


I've changed to restaurant to Jimmy V's in the Sheraton hotel. It has a good reputation and it is within easy walking distance of Meymandi Concert Hall.

When: Sunday, September 18,[masked]:45 PM

Where: Jimmy V's Osteria & Bar
420 Fayetteville St
Raleigh, NC

I strongly encourage you to attend the opera. Anyone who has heard Timothy Myers conduct Wagner knows what he can do with an 80 piece band - really thrilling, and this will be with voices, costumes and boot. But if can't attend the opera, join us for brunch anyway.

Fledgling opera companies need all the support that can get, but NC Opera has delivered more than expected. Anyone remember their outstanding Cosi fan tutte?

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