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New Meetup: Pub Crawl to benefit iCanHouse (Autism and Asperger's Syndrome)

From: Sharon R.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 8:39 PM


Announcing a new Meetup for Triad Night Life and Networking Meetup Group!

What: Pub Crawl to benefit iCanHouse (Autism and Asperger's Syndrome)

When: Saturday, August 14,[masked]:00 PM

Where: City Beverage
915 Burke Street
Winston Salem, NC 27101

Last minute, I know, but hopefully some of you can make this bar crawl for charity (if you register after Aug 9th you may not be guaranteed a T-shirt and beer stein).


City Dash and 336 Events will be sponsoring a Bar Crawl to benefit the iCan House of Winston-Salem, NC. Ride on the Party Bus to some of the best nightlife spots in and around downtown Winston-Salem.

Cost is only $15!
Or you may purchase a beer stein and Tshirt for ONLY $10 which will not include bar crawl but proceeds will still benefit the iCan House!

...Registration by August 9th guarantees a complementary T-shirt, beer stein, and fun & adventure at participating restaurants/bars in the West End area of W-S.
Crawlers may register after August 9th up to day of event but will not be guaranteed a T-shirt and beer stein so please register EARLY!

Register online at:
Please provide T-shirt size with registration.

Proceeds support the iCanHouse, a non-profit organization that helps kids/adults develop social skills and overcome social awkwardness from autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and other developmental delays.

Event will end at Old Winston Social Club on Burke Street with food and entertainment provided!

Schedule for Bar Crawl:
Pickup Tshirts and Last Minute Registration then head to Barnhills for FREE Wine Tasting or City Beverage for FREE Beer Tasting!

6-7pm Preparty
Ten O One. Jimmy Johns will be providing food.

7-8pm Club Therapy. Will raffle free membership to Rush Fitness

8-9:30: 4th Street Fun: Tonic and Foothills

One bus will go to West End to The Tap/ Bobs Big Gas Subs and Pub and the other bus will head to Peters Crk Pkwy to Tailgaters

Burke Street Pub and Old Winston Social Club. Burke Street will have a DJ and Old Winston Social Club will have the band Manly Street free admission for pub crawlers! Bobs Big Gas Subs and Pub will be providing food.
Beer Steins will be at Old Winston Social Club as trophies for completing the bar crawl!

Marriott Hotel Downtown Winston Salem will feature a $79 discount for bar crawlers! Book your rooms now!

Hosted By City Dash, iCan House, 336 Events, and 105.7

Participating Venues:
-Old Winston Social Club
-Foothills Brewery
-Bob?s Big Gas Subs & Pub
-The Tap
-Burke St Pub
-Ten O One

Other Sponsors:
-Barnhills Books, Wine, Art, and Gifts
-City Beverage
-UPS Store
-Jimmy Johns
-Camel City Carriage
-Coach America
-Phatty?s Party Bus
-The Rush
-Yes Weekly
-Screen Scene

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