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New Meetup: Introduction to Salsa Date Night

From: Christine
Sent on: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 4:40 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Triad Night Life and Networking Meetup Group!

What: Introduction to Salsa Date Night

When: Friday, August 27,[masked]:15 PM

Where: Positive Image Performing Arts
722 Liberty Street
Winston Salem, NC 27101

Hey everyone,

I wanted to put this on the calendar to get the information out and to give my daughter a push. She is starting up a Salsa class at a dance studio she attends in Winston Salem. We are having a date night (dates are not required, please come solo or bring some friends and just come to have fun!) to hopefully spark some interest!!

Even though she is my daughter I can honestly say she is a very talented dancer. She performed a Salsa duo with her friend at her own party that they choreographed together. The dance school owner allowed her to perform it at the dance school's open house at Hanes Mall the next month and that night that they even performed it at a local fundraiser for the schools called "Dancing with the Forsyth County Stars" downtown at the Millenium Center. Next they were invited by a guest of the DJ (no affiliation to us) to perform at a Wake Democratic Party fundraiser called "First Annual International Night" in Raleigh.

Since this is her first time teaching adults (she recently did a class with young girls at the summer camp at the danc studion) no meetup charge for this introductory event - one time only.

Please come and bring your friends. Cost is $5- at the door, cash only please

Please wear shoes with slippery soles as rubber soled shoes tend to inhibit your movements.

Hope to see you there!!!

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