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Fast typer needed urgently!

From: Arzu W.
Sent on: Monday, March 4, 2013, 12:31 PM


I am sending this message to you as per a member's request! He is in Istanbul as part of a consortium working with the Istanbul 2020 candidature for the 2020 Summer Olympics.

They are at the moment conducting a big rehearsal exercise and need to find two people that can type quickly in English. Professional stenographers would be great (need to record a "live" questions session), but a good touch-typist would work.
It would be good to have this person available for the next two days (if possible), as well as for the end of March (mandatory).


His name is Laurent and pls see his email address below. Pls contact him if you are interested or you know someone who could assist him with this.

[address removed]

Have a lovely week ahead!

Take Care
