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New Meetup: "The Winter Solstice – Its History, Celebration, and Legacy,” w/ James Zimmerma

From: Bjorn W.
Sent on: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 9:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Twin Cities Atheists!

What: "The Winter Solstice ? Its History, Celebration, and Legacy,? w/ James Zimmerma

When: December 7,[masked]:00 PM

First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis,
900 Mount Curve Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403

I know this is last minute, but thought I'd let the group know about the event. James Zimmerman has been a great volunteer for Minnesota Atheists as its newsletter editor and cable show producer. I'm sure this will be a worthwhile presentation to see if you are interested.

Below is the test from the First Unitarian Society. Keep in mind that the event is not free. It is $6 for non members and $4 for members of the First Unitarian Society.

?The Winter Solstice ? Its History, Celebration, and Legacy,? with James Zimmerman. This is based in part on a wonderful article that James wrote in The Rake Magazine and Secrets of the City. He is a local freelance writer and a chemical engineer at Boston. Refreshments during intermission. See our new library. $6, non-members. $4, members.

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