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Health & Happiness - A Yoga Meditation Workshop

From: Jack
Sent on: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 10:37 PM
hi organizer

I wanted to pass along information on an upcoming event .  I will be attending the event and thought some members might be interested.

It's a "Health & Happiness" -workshop focused on stress relief, yoga, health, breathing techniques and meditation. It'd be great if you could post the event details to your Meetup mailing list.  Please find some details below.

Health & Happiness - A Yoga Meditation Workshop
with Michael Fischman - President Art of Living Foundation
Jan 31st , 5:00 Pm

RSVP & event details

Health & Happiness is a yoga and meditation workshop sponsored by the Art of Living Foundation. This 2 hr yoga and meditation seminar provides an experience of ancient breathing techniques which reduce stress and heighten mental clarity and awareness.

Learn techniques and processes which
        - Reduce Stress
        - Increase energy & Clarity
        - Relax the body
        - Calm the mind
        - Enhance relationships, and overall quality of life!

The workshop will be taught by Michael Fischman, President, Art of Living Foundation USA , a senior instructor who travels across the world teaching personal development seminars offering tools that bring greater peace, energy, awareness and joy to daily life. Some of the places that Mr.Fischman has previously presented at are the World Bank, the National Air and Space Administration (NASA), the United Nations, Ronald MacDonald House at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York, Nova University etc.

RSVP & event details

Date & Time:      Jan 31, 2009  5:00 PM - 7 PM
Venue:      Theatre, St Paul Student Center, University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus
Address:     2017 Buford Ave S
                  St Paul, MN 55454

It's a rare opportunity to spend time with Michael Fischman and not-to-be-missed!
Art of Living Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), educational, humanitarian organization in the US since 1989.  AOLF works in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, participating in a variety of committees and activities.

1. Want to know about Art of Living Foundation!
2. Read about the Medical Research done on the breathing techniques

RSVP & event details

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