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Re: [Twin-Cities-Seth-Group] Seth Quote Search Tool

From: Archer
Sent on: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 7:58 PM
This is a super groovy tool!

Just playing around with it a little I found this short one:

Each dream object is actually double- or triple-decked, a symbol for other, deeper data.
The Seth Material, p. 184

Some of my symbols in last nights dream: A small home in my neighborhood that was huge on the inside, a bishop chess piece, twenty-somethings being twenty-somethings amongst themselves, a gambling carnival/casino, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with his entourage in western dress, a Sergeant Pepper like Beatles tribute band playing on a circular stage, an Andy Kaufman photo on some sort of gambling booth?

And for the first time that I can remember I can answer that it was in color! (Thanks George Harrison look-alike guy!)

Suppose I'll have to try and write out that dream sometime. 

There's a quote tool and a place to search out exercises too.


On Apr 1, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Al Winquist wrote:

Can't remember if this has been passed out to our local group, but just in case.  This came from a post on Lynda Dahl's FB:


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