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Malaysian student injured in London riots - follow up

From: San
Sent on: Friday, August 12, 2011, 10:54 AM

Further to my message to members about Ashraf Haziq, the student who was beaten up and robbed, no doubt many if not all of you have seen the interview that was held on the premises of the Malaysian High Commission. If not, here it is the link


Personally, and I know you will all share this, I am very impressed with the young man's courage, resilience , good humour and lack of bitterness towards the people who were responsible for his condition. He is certainly someone that you all (and I speak as a Singaporean) can be proud of to call one of your own.


Many thanks to those of you who have taken the trouble to write to me expressing your support. There is a fund set up for Ashraf which has now been endorsed by the BBC and the Malaysian High Commission (so we know it is legit) to which you can donate. The website is


However, as donations will close by noon today, unless you donate within the next hour or so, it will not be possible to do so. Should that be the case and you still wish to make a contribution, please contact me and I shall see what alternative method can be set into place.


I understand the an amount in excess of £4000 has already been raised, and that Ashraf's parents are on their way to London to see him, courtesy of the Malaysian Government which has paid for their airfare.